Courts Services
Court Security is the second division that is required by law for the Sheriff’s Office. The purpose of court security is to assure that order and control is maintained in the court system. The Columbus County Sheriff’s Office Courts Services division has:
- Captain
- Lieutenant
- (1) First Sergeant
- (10) Deputies

There is one (1) District Court, one (1) Superior Court, one (1) Small Claims Court, one (1) Civil Court, and one (1) Child Support Court. Each court is required to have a Court Bailiff. A Bailiff is a Sworn Deputy who works in the court system for security purposes and to maintain order. The Bailiffs also provide security for several activities after regular operating hours, such as Teen Court, Juvenile Services, and other related functions. The Deputies rotate through the various courts and perform different functions; one example would be working the metal detector at the front door at the Columbus County Courthouse.
The security of the Columbus County Courthouse begins at the front door. When entering the Columbus County Courthouse, items in pants or coat pockets that contain metal must be placed in plastic containers for the Deputy to observe. The general public entering the Columbus County Courthouse must place all handbags, briefcases, and other items on the counter so it can be inspected. As the person’s possessions are inspected, he/she must step through the metal detector. The metal detector is shaped like a doorframe, and will beep if something metal is on the body as the person passes through. If the metal detector does not beep, the person may step to the front of the security area and pickup his/her belongings. If it does beep, the person must step to the side so a Deputy may search the person with a handheld metal detector and/or use the x-ray machine. Some jewelry, gum wrappers, and even steel-toed shoes may set the alarm off, so it is not unusual for people to be scanned with a handheld detector.
Court Bailiff Sergeant
The Court Bailiff Sergeant plans, directs, and supervises the activities of the court security division. The Sergeant also handles administrative tasks such as:
- Overseeing employee time sheets
- Determining needs for equipment and/or staffing
- Supervising the Court Bailiffs
- Serving as Court Bailiff, as needed
The Sergeant reports any problems to his/her Lieutenant.
Court Bailiff Deputies
The Court Bailiff Deputies serve in Superior and District Court to:
- Maintain order
- Open Court session
- Recess Court
- Accompanying inmates to and from the Detention Facility
- Providing security for the Judges, Courthouse Staff, and the general public
- Serving subpoenas and appearance bonds
- Preparing release orders and bond sheets on inmates
- Operating the metal detector
- Inspecting bags
- Other related functions