Employement Form Downloads
Please download and complete the form listed below. We will contact you when/if more information is needed.
The forms listed below will need to be completed and returned as requested. Any section that requires a notary will be notarized at the Columbus County Sheriff’s Office.
- CCSO Application 2023 Download
2. F-3 Personal History Form Download
3. Release Authorization Form Download
4. CCSO Sworn Applicant Check List Download
Any one or more of the following will automatically disqualify an applicant from further consideration for employment with the Columbus County Sheriff’s Office. These disqualifiers are in accordance with both Columbus County Sheriff’s Office Policy and Procedures as well as NCDOJ Sheriffs Training and Standards Commission.
- Certification
- Failure to be eligible for certification by North Carolina Sheriffs Training and Standards Commission.
- Untruthfulness or the falsification of any application, certificate, credential, interview, test, or documents associated with the application for this position.
- Failure to provide complete and accurate information at any time during the application process or other document associated with this position.
- Mis-stated, or falsely stated any information, in writing or orally, during the course of the application process.
- Credit
- Current unsatisfactory credit history rating as determined by the Sheriff.
- Factors that will be reviewed include, but are not limited to the following:
- Known unsatisfied judgements at time of application other than traffic fines and cost.
- Any arrears in child support or failure to pay child support.
- Criminal History
- Any felony conviction.
- A misdemeanor conviction that either would prohibit certification or could result in suspension of certification by NC Sheriffs Training and Standards Commission and/or deemed to be inappropriate by the Sheriff.
- Any individual that is a defendant in an active domestic violence protective order (50B) issued by a judge or court of competent jurisdiction.
- Any individual convicted of any offense arising from domestic violence as defined by 18 U.S. code Section 921(a).
- Drugs
- Involvement in the unlawful sale of any controlled substances which led to an arrest or conviction.
- Unless medically prescribed, use of any drug scheduled in the Controlled Substance Act of NC (Schedule I-V) within the past ten years immediately preceding the date of application.
- Distribution, possession or use of Marijuana or a derivative thereof within the twelve months immediately preceding the date of application.
- Traffic
- Conviction in any jurisdiction of Driving Under the Influence of Drugs or Alcohol within the seven years immediately preceding the date of application.
- Refusal to take the Blood or Breath Test as required by the implied consent law of any jurisdiction.
- Conviction of Eluding Police, Hit and Run, Vehicle Speed Competition or Death by Motor Vehicle.
- The suspension or revocation of driving privileges in any jurisdiction within the past five years for any reason other than failure to pay fines and costs.
- More than two moving violations within the twelve months immediately preceding the date of application.
- Other
- Not being a US Citizen
- Background investigation indicates a less than acceptable job performance with past employers.
- Child support recently in arrears.
- Behavior is unsuitable or inappropriate for a Deputy Sheriff/Detention Officer as determined by the Sheriff.
- Failure to comply with deadlines to return requested information to the background investigator and the Columbus County Sheriff’s Office.
- Dishonorable Discharge from any military service, a less than Honorable or General Discharge could or will be reviewed on a case by case basis.