Columbus County Recycling Centers
There are a total of seven (7) manned Recycling Centers throughout Columbus County. The Recycling Centers were set up to receive residential waste and to help eliminate materials from being improperly disposed. Columbus County encourages citizens to reduce, reuse, and recycle so that we can keep our County clean.
Recycling Center Information
Columbus County would like to welcome you and encourage you to visit our seven (7) Recycling Centers for the disposal and recycling of household solid waste materials. These facilities were built to allow the citizens of Columbus County to help eliminate products from being placed into the waste stream by recycling. These facilities also help the County comply with mandates and laws regarding waste stream reduction and with the reduction of landfill and disposal fees.
The Recycling Centers are for Columbus County residents ONLY. No commercial or industrial waste materials are allowed at ANY of these facilities. These items must be taken to the Columbus County Transfer Station. No household solid waste is allowed at ANY of these facilities. These items must be taken to the Columbus County Transfer Station. No roofing, concrete, or construction debris is allowed at ANY of these facilities. These items must be taken to the Columbus County Transfer Station.
Please note that the Site Attendants are not responsible for unloading ANY materials. If assistance is required with the removal of large or heavy items, please bring someone with you. If you have any questions regarding the policies or procedures that are in place, please contact (910)-641-3953 and staff will be happy to assist you. The Recycling Centers are here for your convenience, please help Columbus County keep them clean and free from loose debris.
Acceptable Materials: (Recycling Centers Only)
- Aluminum Cans
- Brown Goods
- Bulk Waste
- Cardboard
- Electronics
- Lead Acid Batteries
- Mixed Recyclables
- Newspaper & Inserts
- Poison, Herbicide, & Pesticide Containers
- Scrap Metals
- Tires
- Used Motor Oil
- White Goods
- Yard Waste
***** (Please see important guidelines below regarding the disposal of these materials) *****
Unacceptable Materials: (Recycling Centers Only)
- All Liquids except Motor Oil
- Burn Barrels and Ashe
- C&D (Construction & Debris)
- Dead Animals
- Hazardous Materials
- Household Solid Waste
- LCID (Land Clearing Inert Debris/Stumps/Trees)
- Poisons, Herbicides, or Pesticides
- Radioactive Waste
- Unknown products
Brown Good and Bulk Waste:
Examples include chairs, couches, recliners, tables (must be disassembled), old entertainment centers (must be disassembled), mattresses, carpet, box springs, vacuum cleaners, humidifiers, oxygen pumps, and other bulk waste items. No cabinets are allowed at ANY of these facilities. These items must be taken to the Columbus County Transfer Station.
Examples include computers, monitors, televisions, printers, scanners, keyboards, and mice.
Lead Acid Batteries:
Examples include automobile, truck, marine, lawn mower, golf cart, and alarm batteries. No household batteries or power tool batteries are accepted at ANY of these facilities. These items must be taken to the Columbus County Transfer Station.
Mixed Recyclables:
Examples include newspapers, magazines, aluminum cans, aluminum foil, aluminum pie plates, plastic milk and water jugs, plastic drink bottles (PET), steel and bi-metal (tin) food containers, old corrugated cardboard boxes (OCC), paperboard cartons/boxes. All items must be clean or they will not be accepted at ANY of these facilities. These items must be taken to the Columbus County Transfer Station.
Poison, Herbicide, & Pesticide Containers:
Examples include round up, farm chemicals, and insecticide containers. All items must be clean or they will not be accepted at ANY of these facilities. These items must be taken to the Columbus County Transfer Station.
Examples include pick up and car tires. County residents can take up to four (4) tires per week to the recycling center for processing. No transfer truck tires or tractor tires will be accepted. Tires must be off the rim or they will not be accepted at ANY of these facilities. These items must be taken to the Columbus County Transfer Station.
Used Motor Oil:
Examples include automobile and equipment oil. No oil filters are accepted at ANY of these facilities. These items must be taken to the Columbus County Transfer Station.
White Goods:
Examples include refrigerators, washing machines, dryers, dish washers, stoves, water heaters, air conditioners, and freezers. All items must be clean. (No old food or beverages will be accepted.) These items must be taken to the Columbus County Transfer Station.
Yard Waste:
Examples include leaves, limbs, brush, and dead plants. Material must be a maximum of 3″ in diameter and 5′ in length. The maximum amount of material that will be accepted at ANY facility is a regular size pick up load and can only be accepted once per week.
** (No u-haul trucks, box trucks, or trailer loads of ANY type of material will be accepted at ANY of the recycling centers)**
Information is Available on the Columbus County Webpage: www.coIumbusco.org/Departments/SoIid-Waste